Kartika Soekarno Foundation and PKK Team from Central Jakarta visits Taman Posyandu in Bandung

On March 22nd, Kartika Soekarno Foundation and PKK Team from Central Jakarta paid a visit to PAUD and Taman Posyandu in Pamoyanan area, Bandung. In the morning, The PKK Team was divided into several groups. Each group was to inspect Taman Posyandu Melati and PAUD Sehati separately in Pamoyanan. After a brief greeting with the children, they proceed with Q&A session and discussion with the cadres, the teachers, and the head of the kelurahan (village). They clearly showed eagerness; they asked questions and paid full attention to all the advices about Taman Posyandu.
The visit was preceded with a presentation given by F2H the night before, March 21st 2016, at Ruby Hotel, Pasirkaliki, Bandung. F2H Founder Prof. Dr. Anna Alisjahbana explained about child’s growth and development, and shared the key to successful Taman Posyandu. Around 40 people attended, including Mrs Yumanetti Sari, the Posyandu Revitalization Program Coordinator from Kartika Soekarno Foundation, women from PKK Team, along with the head of TP PKK Central Jakarta, Mrs Rintje Mangara, representatives of IBU foundation, and also F2H team: Dra. Fanny Zefanza, Dr. Lies Zakaria, Prof. Dr. Anna Alisjahbana. Mrs Rintje Mangara hoped that PKK Team could learn from Taman Posyandu that was fostered by F2H, with the purpose of integrating the activities between Posyandu, PAUD(Early Age Child Education), and BKB(Child’s Family Building).