Taman Posyandu/ Program Adituka (Asuhan Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak)

Taman Posyandu/ Adituka Program aims to optimize child development in a holistic way, including physical growth, emotional development, intelligence, independence, social and interaction skill with parents, family, and community. With this program, we hope to create a generation that is healthy, happy, achieving, socially adept, and able to develop its potential to the fullest. This program also helps to distribute access to health and education service, particularly in rural areas.
ADITUKA Program consist of 5 aspects:
1. Community Development
The key aspect, as support from parents, community, and local government would determine the success of the program.
2. Posyandu
Involving health cadre from existing Posyandu (community health infrastructure) by assisting them in the routines (registration, baby weighing, filling Road to Health card, education, and immunization). We simplify the system of recording and reporting to ease cadre's work.
3. Nine Message of Care at Home
This aspect is designed to introduce healthy behavior and support child development. The program is packaged into 9 Messages, starting from care for pregnant, birthing, and post partum mother, also the role of parents in protecting, caring, educating, and stimulating the child at home, particularly until 2 years.
4. Early Childhood Education
Education and early stimulation through a 1-3 times weekly program. Here children may play and learn, led by trained cadres who serve stimulation activities for development, intelligence, and skills for 2-4 year old children.
5. Early Detection of Growth and Development
In collaboration with Surya Kanti Foundation, we develop a simple method to detect development delay on children as early as possible. Cadres are also trained to detect and stimulate children with development delay.